Free from any artifical advertising.

I decided to get rid of all of the adverts from this site as they really didn't provide me with any tangible benefits. Just like Q I have found that despite getting plently of people checking out the site I have had no real results on any form of advertising.…

Mr. Mugo and the snake...

One fine day we returned from town to find our cat Mr. Mugo playing with a strange and yet recognisable shape on our driveway. I first of all thought that it was a toy snake; you know the rubbery plastic ones, and we do have a lot of children in…

Hand-coding suits me sir!

Having been creating a lot of webpages recently, I realised that I am so much better off having made the switch to and-coding rather than using WYSIWYG editors. I have used Dreamweaver since version 4 and whilst I don't have anything against it writing pages in a text editor gives…

I've got my girls back!

It's great! I had a wonderful day-trip to Portugal and met my fiance and our daughter at the Airport. It was a very long day; I was up at 4.30am and we got back around 3.00am the next morning. We are all just glad to be home and…

Captive in Portugal!?

I returned to work after a few days off to find a really busy day awaited me. I thought though that it would be ok; I was due to pick up Sandra from the airport at 11:30pm that evening and Stansted is not too far away. Also I was…

Check out the new version of

I happened across Jeffrey Zeldman's new site yesterday I'm pretty sure he is always working out the next redesign! It's looking pretty tasty though; nice colour scheme and completely compliant with current web standards - of Course :-) In any case there seems to be a large…

Radio Paradise

I've recently found out about radio paradise which I'm listening to via my apple itunes software. It can be found at It's playlist is quite varied but I've been finding I like most of the stuff they play. There's a whole bunch of tracks that I'm going to…