Does setTimeout solve the DOMContentLoaded problem?

I've recently been building a simple framework for testing the performance of arbitrary JavaScript code. Whilst doing so I was looking at the some information on setTimeout in "JavaScript the Definitive Guide" by David Flanagan. One paragraph made me think of the DOMContentLoaded Problem: "In practice, setTimeout() tells…

Basic DOMTool Tutorial

I've had some brilliant feedback on DOMTool and several people have emailed me asking for a basic tutorial on how to use the output. So if you're familiar with using the DOM to add content to a page then this probably won't be terribly exciting and you can carry on…

Getting relative form actions with javascript

The other day I needed to get data from a form and manipulate the "get" manually through javascript. For that to happen I needed to obtain the action attribute of the form. The action of this specific form had to be a relative url. What I found through…

getElementsByClassName Deluxe Edition

Anyone who's into JavaScript will most likely have written their own take on a getElementsByClassName function. I had a look around at a few recent examples and then decided to do my own version for fun. Out of all of the functions I looked at Robert Nyman's came closest to…

Element Ready

The idea for this script came about over a pint with Andy Hume back in February. We were talking about how annoying it is that DOMContentLoaded only works for Mozilla and although IE has it's own proprietary 'Defer' method there's not a quick and easy and cross-browser way of checking…