What external hard drive do you use?

I'm currently in the market for a external hard-drive with about 250-300GB of storage that I can also boot my mac from in an emergency (so it'll need to have firewire). I've looked at the usual suspects, Lacie, iomega but nothing stands out. Let me know what your recommendations are.…

Keeping ssh connections alive

Picture this; you come back from lunch at "My Old Dutch Pancake house" and every one of your ssh connections has been closed due to lack of activity. It's reasonable that the server you are connected to (or the hardware you are connecting through) closes connections due to…

Being a Dad

So just for those of you who don't yet know, my fiance and I are expecting our second baby due in late November. Last week we went to have the first scan and the pictures that came out were really good. This scan seemed almost as detailed as the last…

Alternatives to terminal.app on mac OSX

My new job at Multimap involves plenty of command line work and as I am working on a mac 100%, it's been well worth trying to find a set-up that makes it easy to switch between shells on multiple servers and directories. Initially I thought it would make sense to…

Apple MacBook is let loose

So the new MacBook Pro is out and it looks very good. The core spec is not that far off the MacBook Pro but is available at a much lower pricepoint. The main difference is that with the MacBook you only get an intel GMA950 card with shared memory rather…

Closest equivalent to NetNewsWire on Windows

I have been looking for an equivalent for the mac only Feed reader software NetNewsWire on Windows and I think I have found something that comes the closest yet. FeedReader is a free RSS reader for Windows written by Toomas Toots. I have tried other readers such as RSSOwl, Feed…

Loopy Control Structures

Tim's Loopy Control Structures is an in-depth post detailing the ins and outs of programming control structures. Makes good follow up reading as to my recent getElementsByClassName script. Tim was one of my former colleagues when I worked at Rentokil and has recently re-designed his blog Nefarious Designs. As a…

getElementsByClassName Deluxe Edition

Anyone who's into JavaScript will most likely have written their own take on a getElementsByClassName function. I had a look around at a few recent examples and then decided to do my own version for fun. Out of all of the functions I looked at Robert Nyman's came closest to…