Avoiding the use of .htaccess for performance

.htaccess files are often used because they allow quick changes to the apache web server configuration and don't require apache to be restarted. However with this flexibility comes a number of performance implications and as a result they should be avoided unless you have absolutely no other way to put…

pwdn: show last n dirs of current directory

I've been playing around with some scripts of late to automate delivery of my various scripts and aliases to servers and in doing so I was looking back at the code I am calling to display the last two directories in my bash prompt. It made me think; why don't…

Mac OSX tip: ls command color output

If you have OSX tiger simply grab the fileutils from fink with fink install fileutils Then add the following to your .profile: export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' eval "`/sw/bin/dircolors`" alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS' alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lah' alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA' In leopard…

hListing unleashed

Over on the YDN Blog, Ben Ward has written a detailed post on the use of hListing microformats in the latest release of the Kelkoo shopping comparison site. In the article Ben provides some neat examples of exactly how these microformats can be utilised to display product information on a…

Drive By South By

SXSWi is the geek excursion of the year for me. It's a chance to catch up with old friends meet new people and to generally geek-out in one of the coolest cities I've ever been to, Austin Texas. This year to do something slightly unusual Cyril, Tristan and myself had…

Django: Switching between development branches

Cyril and I have been using new forms admin for some stuff we are working on for fun whilst we are here at SXSWi. One of the issues is that if you're developing several different Django sites you won't necessary want to migrate away from trunk to migrate everything to…

IE8 will now render as IE8 by default

Good news! The IE team have decided to revert their decision on compatibility which would have meant IE8 would render sites with the IE7 engine if a ua-x-compatible meta tag isn't defined. Sites will now render with the browser's current rendering engine by default, so sites will be rendered as…