
@media2006 has been announced together with a rather tasty new website with all the details. I was at @media2005 last year and I found it to be a really inspiring event. This year (provided I get my act together in time) I will definitely be going. As a change to…

Christmas in Portugal and Happy New Year

We returned from Portugal on Boxing day after a pretty mad 10 days seeing Sandra's parents and family in Moura, Baixo Alentejo. The flight was about 3 hours long and we landed in Faro at 10 o'clock. The journey overall was pretty exhausting as it was the first time that…

Review of 2005

2005 has been a great year. In April I spent a lot of time redesigning my blog for the May 1st CSS reboot. It was great to have the motivation to do something different with my site though in the end the whole thing ended up being a bit of…

Expectations for Thunderbird 1.5

Ok so now everyone's probably settled in with Firefox 1.5 it's probably time to start looking forward to the 1.5 release of Thunderbird. Now I really like Thunderbird; I use it as my main email client on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. It's great to have applications that…

Muffin Research Labs Joins 9Rules

I am pleased to announce that Muffin Research Labs has joined the 9rules network. I'm totally chuffed to be joining a network with sites such as Roger Johansson, Molly E Holzschlag, Particle Tree, Johnathon Snook and Robert Nyman to name but a few. For anyone that's reading this thinking; "Oh…

Beyond the graphical

Unless you've had your head firmly buried in the sand you are probably aware of the various CSS showcase sites on the internet. However, if you take a closer look at some of the sites featured on these showcases, you'll see that some of them fall short of a true…

London Geek Dinner

Last night I attended my first "Geek Dinner" in London. When I arrived at the Hogshead in Dering street I got myself a pint of the black stuff and shortly after the guest of honour Molly Holzschlag and Andy Clarke turned up at the bar, having come from the course…

Dreamweaver lock files exposed

This is a warning to anyone out there using Dreamweaver to check files in and out from their web server. The lock files (.lck) that tell your colleagues that you have a file checked out can be indexed by google and reveal information such as your name, a username and…