Fixing setuptools "TypeError: swig_sources()" error

I was trying to update to a newer version of Jinja2 on osx to meet Zine dependencies and I got the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): […snip…] File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Extras/lib/python/setuptools/command/", line 77,…

Install lxml on OSX

Thanks to this post on lxml from Ian Bicking I've found the following command is all that's required to install lxml on Mac OSX: STATIC_DEPS=true easy_install 'lxml>=2.2beta4'…

EuroDjangoCon Prague

Rob Lofthouse is putting on a European DjangoCon event in the beautiful city of Prague: EuroDjangoCon is a Django conference that aims to bring together the community and provide a wide range of sessions, panels, lightning talks and showcases of Django usage within various businesses. We aim to educate, provoke…

Unix Permissions Calculator

Project Fondue have been busy once again and we've just put live a Permissions Calculator, a tool to make it simple to generate the syntax for the chmod (change mode) command. Remembering the syntax for the chmod command can be tricky. Whilst it's easy to remember the basics, do you…

Favicon Generator Launched

The first of several projects I've been working on with former colleagues Ed Eliot and Cyril Doussin is now live as part of Project Fondue, which is a place where we're collaborating on various projects both as online tools and services as well as open source projects. The favicon generator…

Bazaar: Moving files after the fact

I recently came across a useful flag that can be use with Bazaar's move command. --after can be used to update bazaar's internal reference to the file after you've already moved the file. The syntax is as follows: $ mv foo bar # Doh should have used bzr mv $ bzr mv --after…

Puppet: Server Configuration Made Easy

I've been working on a few collaborative side-projects in my spare time which has ended up requiring several servers provisioned by a couple of different providers. The majority of them are Slicehost VMs but we also use Bytemark as a way of distributing risk for the unlikely event that the…

Large Temporary Files Left Behind by ImageMagick

Recently since moving the CSS Sprite Generator to a new server we've had a couple of cases where the site has stopped working due to running out of disk-space. The cause was due to some epic temporary files being left behind by ImageMagick: -rw------- 2.7G Nov 1 10:25…