EuroDjangoCon Prague

Rob Lofthouse is putting on a European DjangoCon event in the beautiful city of Prague: EuroDjangoCon is a Django conference that aims to bring together the community and provide a wide range of sessions, panels, lightning talks and showcases of Django usage within various businesses. We aim to educate, provoke…

DjangoCon 2008 Announced

Rob's just announced on Twitter that the DjangoCon 2008 will be held at the GooglePlex on 6-7th September. More details will be announced on in due course. Also the DjangoCon Site will be up this coming Friday. via EvilRob's Twitter Page…

Search Django Snippets with GreaseMonkey

I was looking around last night and had been using the "site:" in google to be able to search the site. To make life easier I've knocked up a noddy greasemonkey script to provide a basic Google powered search box (in the header) across…

Django Admin Ominigraffle Stencil

Colleague Alex Lee has created a nice stencil for omingraffle with the Django Admin UI components, perfect for wireframing customised admin screens. For more details and to download the stencil see Alex's Blog…

DJUGL: Django User Group London

The first DJUGL (Django Users Group London) Meetup is happening on the 19th May at GCAP HQ in Leicester square at 7pm. I'll be presenting "Django from a developers point of view" where I'll be talking about my thoughts on what makes Django a good framework choice. It's…

Automatic asset versioning in Django

Following on from Ed's "Automatic versioning of CSS, JavaScript and Images" here is a method to version filenames based on modification times to be used in Django as a template tag. This is really handy technique for when you set expires headers to a long way into the…

Django: Switching between development branches

Cyril and I have been using new forms admin for some stuff we are working on for fun whilst we are here at SXSWi. One of the issues is that if you're developing several different Django sites you won't necessary want to migrate away from trunk to migrate everything to…

EU Hackday 5: Django and Python FTW

Last Thursday, James Broad, Cyril Doussin, Andrew Phillipo and myself started out on the fifth internal hackday at Yahoo! headquarters in London. James had come up with an awesome idea which was to build a tool for sharing code and techniques internally. To make our lives easier I wanted to…