Using Charles proxy to debug live code

We had an interesting bug today on our Marketplace development server where the new Firefox Accounts (FxA) integration we're working on didn't work correctly under FFOS 1.1. After hooking up a phone with a 1.1 build I could reproduce the problem. But, due to the minified code (fwiw:…

Mozilla Festival 2014

Once again MozFest provided a great environment for hackers, thinkers and doers of all ages to get together and plan, talk about and make all kinds of things. Working for Mozilla I find Mozfest is somewhere that really makes you think about Mozilla's broader mission. It's quite easy to get…


On hearing the very sad news that Eric Meyer's daughter had passed, it was impossible to not be moved. I found myself taking a moment to reflect on a life cut tragically short. It's a much needed reminder of how life is a gift and something we must not ever…

How do you deal with dependent branches on github?

In general, it's good practice to make branches that are independent from other changes and in general kept to a diff of ~500 lines in order to keep pull requests (PRs) easy to review. One issue though is how to deal with the scenario where you need to make more…

Running just a single test in grunt-casper

If you'd like to run a single test with grunt-casper you can do so by making use of grunt.option in your grunt-casper configuration. One way to do this is to use it in the src property of a multi-task allowing it to fall-back to the wildcard definition that picks…

Fixing sec_error_unknown_issuer

After recently updating my SSL cert I found I was getting a sec_error_unknown_issuer error with FF Android. As it turned out I'd missed a step in the configuration which is to include the intermediate certificate along with the main .crt file. To do this you just cat…