Having been creating a lot of webpages recently, I realised that I am so
much better off having made the switch to and-coding rather than using
WYSIWYG editors. I have used Dreamweaver since version 4 and whilst I
don't have anything against it writing pages in a text editor gives you
several advantages.
- You will learn so much more about webdesign and how pages go
together. If you use a software application it is likely that you
will know less about the code that the software is automatically
generating for you. - Pages can be alot neater when you write the code yourself
- It goes hand in hand with writing to current web standards as you
are reponsible for the quality of your own mark-up - There is definitely a greater sense of satisfaction from creating
pages without the aid of a design tool.
I would recommend anyone who is currently starting to get into
webstandards to try using a text editor to put together pages, you never
know you might find you like it!
Personally I recommend checking out Crimson editor. It features all
common languages and features syntax highlighting.