OSX Mysql app: Sequel Pro

Generally these days I'm tending to access mysql from the CLI but when writing a data importer script I needed to be able to see what tables I was accessing from two different dbs. Initially I was looking for an ERD tool but I stumbled across the successor to CocoaMysql,…

Lineform: Vector Graphics App for Mac

I've been noodling around with a few vector based designs this weekend (makes a nice change from coding). When if comes to vector I've never ever got on with illustrator as it's alway seemed a million miles away from the the photoshop interface. A while ago I played with Freeverse's…

No Interfaces Available Using Wireshark on Mac OSX

On my previous Macbook Pro I'd used Ethereal and I don't remember having many issues with it as I was able to run it as sudo so that I had privileges for sniffing packets. Since then Ethereal has become Wireshark and it's now available with a nice appication wrapper as…

Standalone mac battery charger

Got a spare mac battery? I've often wondered why up until now no-one's produced a standalone charger so that you can charge batteries without having to plug them into the mac. Fortunately Fastmac.com have produced a standalone charger that allows you to do just that. and it's compatible with…

Scrolling issue in Leopard cured with PRAM reset

Having got a shiny new MacBook Pro to work on at my new workplace I've had a couple of strange problems with Leopard. The main issue was that when scrolling the graphics was suffering what appeared to be a strange redraw problem when scrolling. After googling I found this post:…

mac tip: Lock screen and pause iTunes

In the past I've used a specific app that allowed configuration of a keystroke to lock my screen but in setting up a new machine I thought I really want to add the ability to pause iTunes as well as locking the screen. The locking part is caused by having…

Mac OSX tip: ls command color output

If you have OSX tiger simply grab the fileutils from fink with fink install fileutils Then add the following to your .profile: export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' eval "`/sw/bin/dircolors`" alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS' alias ll='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lah' alias l='ls $LS_OPTIONS -lA' In leopard…